Button mushrooms step aside and make way for the Winter White Oyster. Along with all the other fabulous Oyster Mushrooms, these gourmet delicacies are quickly becoming everyone's favorite mushroom. Their meaty texture, tender umami flavor, and sweet aroma make them a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. They make a great accompaniment to any dish and an excellent meat alternative for any recipe.
Winter White Oyster is a fabulous gourmet mushroom that can easily be grown in cooler winter temperatures as well as mild. It's our top-choice on the farm when temperatures drop and we love to grow them... and eat them! With our mushroom grow kits you can now grow them at home yourself, it's easy and with guaranteed results! They do great in temperatures from 6-22°C.

Good For Your Health

Grow It Yourself!
A favorite at our farmers markets

Grow Winter Winter Oyster Mushrooms At Home
With our specially prepared grow kits you can now grow these mushrooms at home. It's easy and with guaranteed results, even for those with no experience! It only takes a little space, a bit of care, and you will reap the rewards. Watching them grow is half the fun!
Prefer Cool to Mild Temperatures
Ideally with temperatures ranging from 6°C to 22°C.
Step-by-step Instructions
Forget lab coats and sterile conditions, with our grow kits you can easily grow these Oyster Mushrooms at home. We have expertly prepared these grow kits so they are ready-to-go for growers of any experience. Results guaranteed!

How Do I Grow It?
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
Place your block on its side and where the block presses against the plastic, take a sharp clean knife and make a 10-12cm cut along this part of the bag (you could cut an “x” shape or a simple line).
Place your sliced bag in a humid part of your home (near the kitchen sink or bathroom). Make sure it is kept away from direct sunlight, and keep it well hydrated. Do this by spraying the outside of your block, over the sliced area, with water at least once per day but preferably 2-3 times.
The mushrooms can take 2-6 weeks to fruit, but will usually appear within 5-7 days. Once they appear, keep watch, they grow very fast and will be ready to harvest in 7-21 days. Harvest them all at once by gently grasping the mushrooms at the base, twist and pull.